
Nicholas Collis created the “Lots Of Bottles Wine Consultancy” early in February 2015. As a wine consultant, Nicholas is willing to help the trade and wine enthusiasts alike with any burning questions or some of the jargon used in wine circles.

Nicholas previously traded as The Pewsey Vale Wine Company offering wines by the case to family, friends and referrals (between September 1994 through to January 2015).

As an extension to wine sales, in 2011, following a trip to north Portugal in 2010 with friends to see the beautiful Douro Valley – Nicholas joint founded Wines and Tours to create wine and vineyard tour experiences at home in the UK and overseas, mainly in Europe.

However, Nicholas is available to advise on wine-related activities – like:

  • Wine Tastings format
  • Tasting Notes on certain wines, via email
  • Sourcing specialist storage cabinets, wine racking & accessories.
  • Wine glasses or stemware for hire
  • Wine Storage – how and where
  • Food & Wine pairings
  • Ideas on Wine for Parties.

Either contact him on his mobile +44 (0)7957-867816 or simply send an email to; info@lotsofbottles.co.uk.


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